Thursday, April 25, 2013

Caregiving 101

It happens every day. Someone has a stroke and before anyone realizes what has happened, the family must provide care for their stricken loved one. It can be very overwhelming. If you take a deep breath and follow a few simple rules you will get through this most difficult time.  

Rule 1: Start with a proper diagnosis. Talk to the doctor find out all you need to know. If need be, find a book or video on the condition. Make notes and ask questions.

Rule 2: Talk to your loved one about his or her finances and health care wishes. You may need to get a durable power of attorney for finances and health care. You can do this through an elderlaw specialist. If your loved one cannot communicate his or her decisions, you may need other legal advice.

Rule 3: Try to include your loved one in all sessions if you can. They need to feel that they have some control over their life. That is very important to their mental health. Try not to make decisions alone, involve other family members.

Rule 4: Take advantage of community programs. Programs such as Meals on Wheels and adult daycare programs are available. Talk to your religious leader. They are a good source of information and help.

Rule 5: Don't forget about finding support for yourself. Caregiving can be an overwhelming job. Keeping yourself healthy both mentally and physically is important.

Following these five simple rules will help a family manage the caregiving of a loved one.

Take care,

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What Doesn't Get Noticed with MS

This excellent blog describes the pain often associated with Multiple Sclerosis. Gleason notes that pain is the one symptom that people don’t notice with MS, yet it is a very real part of the disease. It is so important to try and manage the pain and minimize the suffering associated with MS. It is our hope at EasyUndies that our product can help ease the burden of dressing for those affected by MS.

Blog Link

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Aging in Place, Safely

Today's aging population is growing faster than any other time. In the US alone 10,000 people a day are turning 65. We all need to be proactive about our health and our future. When looking to the future more and more people are choosing to remodel a existing home than to move to an assisted living home. When choosing a contractor for the remodel, make sure you find one who is certified in CAPS (certified aging-in-place specialist.) The CAPS program, which was launched in 2002, teaches the technical, business management and customer-service skills essential for serving the fast-growing segment of the senior residential remodeling industry.

Remember, always check out who you are hiring to come into your home and do work.  Call others they have done work for. Doing this task now will save you time and money in the long run.  


Adaptive Clothing helping Little Girls

I had to pass along this article on a new, adaptive clothing line for little girls by Tyler Byrom. She comments, “As I was volunteering, I got to spend time with young children and saw just how great the need was to feel normal.” It struck me that people of any age struggling with a disability just want to feel normal and part of their community. All of us can help in so many little ways, like opening the heavy door or giving up our seat on a train. Well wishes to Tyler in her new endeavor!

Article Link

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Collaboration of Aging

It is so true that “…privacy is [often] compromised to accommodate the changes associated with aging.” Often a caregiver’s schedule does not necessarily coincide with the elderly person’s living at home. As Stadler suggests, aging really is a collaborative process. Thoughtful design of space and innovations like adaptive clothing are tools that can ease the transitions in aging.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Walking in Others' Shoes

What an interesting story and worth reading. When caring for someone, you never really know what they are thinking or going through. Now with help, a daughter was able to see life through her mom's eyes. What a great opportunity to learn and understand.

It's always important when caring for someone to try to look at life as they see it. 

Take care, 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Preventing Falls

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one of every three adults older than 65 will fall each year. This article includes tips for preventing falls.

Article Link

Take care, 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Caregivers Corp

In addition to the uniqueness of this idea, to create a “Caregivers Corp,” I enjoyed the thought that “One welcome byproduct … could be less age segregation and ageism, greater bonds across generations.” How wonderful to envision communities where younger generations assist the elderly with some of life’s daily challenges. Driving and shopping are obvious areas for sure, but teaching some of the basics of an ever-changing technology is another. As the definition of “caregiver” and the needs of the elderly evolve in our communities, who better than younger generations to assist in fulfilling these roles? If successful, aging in place can become a reality for more people in the years to come.

Article Link

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day habilitation Centers

I came across this article, which discusses “day habilitation” centers. These programs help developmentally disabled adults learn many of the daily chores and challenges of everyday living. What struck me about the concept was the point, “Everybody deserves to learn independence….” Independence is something so many of us take for granted. How wonderful that organizations such as The Arc strive to give the developmentally disabled independence too.

Article Link