Thursday, October 31, 2013

One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but cannot be taken away unless it is surrendered.
~ Michael J. Fox

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The words you speak become the house you live in.

- Hafiz

What a wonderful saying.  My mom always said do not judge anyone. Help them, talk to them, guide them instead.  That is the way I try to live my life.

My mom struggled with MS for many years. She never gave up.  She pushed herself to live the fullest life she could.  In honor of my mom, I have invented EasyUndies with the disposable EasyPad.  So that everyone can have the dignity and live life without the worries of putting on your underwear.  EasyUndies takes that stress away.

Have a great day!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Managing Stress

Every single one of us has had a personal family crisis, health emergency or had a dear friend go through a major calamity.  Too much drama in our lives can be overwhelming.  Everyone has something going on.  So do not think that the person next to you has a perfect life.  Perfection only exists in our children. 

It is how we manage this stress of life that matters. Try for five minutes a day to slow down.  Do nothing or do something that brings a smile to your face.  I like to look at funny dog videos.  After a few of them I feel relaxed and can go back to my crazy life.

We all need to take care of ourselves, for we are all important.

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Parkinson's in Prime Time

What a great story about Michael J. Fox and network TV:

We all struggle with issues in our lives.  But how we deal with it is what counts.  And Michael J. Fox is a perfect example of it.  He brings to TV his struggles with Parkinson's.  He shows how life really is and how a family deals with it.  The humor in the show is real.  No acting; it is how he is. 

What we all need to take away from this is – we all have stuff!  It all comes down to how you deal with it.  Try to look at life as the cup is half full like Michael does, not half empty.  Trust me, a positive outlook on life can make all the difference.

Take care - and remember to smile!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

In life always be open minded, for the next person you meet might just change your life. We are always learning, making mistakes and picking ourselves up for the next chapter in the book of life.  

Take care,